Pediculosis Pubis “Crabs” can cause severe itching and discomfort. Check out this little guys story

Pediculosis Pubis “Crabs” can cause severe itching and discomfort. Check out this little guys story

This came off an elderly patient that was misdiagnosed with eczema. His story was increased severe itching over a 3 month period and medications were not helping him. He had some red skin with excoriations on exam that from a distance could be seen as eczema. However, asking the right questions and doing a thorough skin exam will give you the correct diagnosis. Severe itching of the groin and scalp and multiple small bumps on the hair shafts (nits) were found on exam. It’s easy as a clinician to be in a hurry especially after you have just seen 10 eczema patients that day alone. But each clinical visit is a new puzzle to unlock, ask the right questions and don’t make any assumptions and you will decipher the code!! These lice are very small, you have to look closely and do a genital exam. His girlfriend does watch her grandchildren and the grandchildren were exposed to body lice at school 6 months previous. A common history. He is now being treated correctly and he will definitely sleep better tonight!!! Thanks for poppin by! MrPopZit