Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update Aug 6 Planting Carrots Harvesting Celery Seed

Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update Aug 6 Planting Carrots Harvesting Celery Seed

In this Weekly Garden Update, August 6, I harvest Celery Seed and plant Carrots for the Fall. I am harvesting Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and Okra on a daily. We are beginning the Dog Dayz of Summer, so all the bugs we are seeing various bugs Bumble Bees, Beatles, Sweat Bees, Grasshoppers and countless others. I am planning and planting my Fall Garden. Weekling Gardent Updates June 10    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update June 10   June 18 Fathers Day    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update June 18 H...   Solstice 2023    • Summer Solstice First Day of Summer a...   June 24    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update June 24 C...   July 2    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update July 2 💥 ...   July 9    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update July 9 Fe...   July 16    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update July 16 I...   July 23    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update July23 Ti...   July 30    • Zone 7 Weekly Garden Update July 30 P...   Growing Basil    • Planting Basil Second Round of the Se...      • Planting Basil in my Indoor Winter Ga...   Salad Bowl Lettuce    • Growing Salad Bowl Lettuce   Chives    • Zone 7  Garden Update May 2023 Contai...   Tomatoes    • Growing Tomatoes in Containers   Okra    • Growing Okra in Containers   Cucumbers    • Growing Cucumbers in Containers