R&A Psalm 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024, Psalm 146, Alto

R&A Psalm 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024, Psalm 146, Alto

Respond and Acclaim Psalm 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Alto) September 8, 2024 Psalm 146:6-7, 8-9,9-10, (128) I hope these videos help and encourage choir members to learn and sing harmonies as part of their Catholic Music Ministry. Try these three steps to learn a new harmony: 1) Like learning any new melody, memorize the new part by singing it in repetition with the part intonation (1st half of video). 2) Then sing the new part in repetition with no musical accompaniment. 3) Then sing the new part in repetition with the All Parts intonation (2nd half of video) to re-enforce the sound of the harmonies to your memory.