#spongiaforgoitre #iodineforgoitre #arsiodforgoitre Hi, friends, I am DR Surajit Ghosh from Kolkata, West Bengal, India practising Homeopathy(particularly Chronic & Complex Diseases) for last thirty years. Welcome To My Channel “DR Ghosh Presents”. My e-mail: [email protected]. Contact: +917003600736. If you personally want a video on any particular topic, feel free to write to/call me. I will be glad to be at your service! Please visit My Websites : 1) 2) //Thank You very much!! About My Channel: ‘DR Ghosh Presents’ is a YouTube Channel where you will find videos on any popular topic especially topics on Health Related Issues in BENGALI, HINDI (From 12/02/2020) as well as in ENGLISH. New videos are posted in every week. 😊 About this video: This video is about treatment of GOITRE with homeopathic remedies. TOP FIVE (5) HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES for GOITRE WHAT IS A GOITRE? A goitre is a hypertrophied thyroid gland. Thyroid gland is a butter-fly shaped gland situated near throat(neck) just below the Adam’s apple. A goitre may be or may not be associated with change in the function of thyroid gland. However, ordinarily, goitre is associated with hyper function of thyroid, i.e., forced-production of thyroid hormones, T3 &T4; T4 is known as thyroxine, T3, as tri-iodothyronine; thyroid also secretes another hormone called calcitonin which helps in absorption of Calcium from diet; What are functions of T3 & T4 hormones? T3 & T4 perform a lot of important functions in the body of which most important are: • Regulation body-weight & Energy levels; • Temperature of body; • Skin, hair, nail growth; • Metabolism etc. What are the signs-symptoms of Goitre? • Swollen mass near Adam’s apple • Feeling of tightness in throat • Neck vein swelling • Hoarseness • Dizziness • Shortness of breath • Difficulty in swallowing Coughing & wheezing respiration How to prevent Goitre? Getting following food-items • Getting iodized salts; • Foods rich in iodine like: • yoghurt, • strawberry, • potatoes, • Animal proteins like: • cod, canned tuna, shrimp, • Eggs, • Beef liver, • Chicken; • Sea veggies; • DISCUSSION OF HOMEO-REMEDIES : • Spongia for Goitre: • Needle-pricking sensation in enlarged thyroid, dry sensation, burning, anxiety, painful beating, worse after taking sweets; 1, 4 mi, • Iodine for Goitre: • Very lean & thin body, canine hunger, better feeling after taking food, much weakness, sweat from least labour, constriction feeling in throat, crave cold air; 3, 4 • Ars. Iod. for Goitre: • Swelling of thyroid along with submaxillary gland; tongue feels enlarged; much choking in throat; ravenous appetite; 3, • Baryta iod. for Goitre: • Gland swollen & indurated; appetite diminished or increased; throat dry, constricted; tonsillar glands enlarged; walking aggravates all symptoms; 6, 4; • ….. • ….. DISCLAIMER: • Information for this video is collected from various sources. This video is prepared with bonafide intention free of cost for catering the info to members of public in general who must use their own discretion and suggestion from their physicians before using the same in practice. Users are fully responsible for its use. Channel authority does not bear any liability to damage whatsoever arising out of its use. Gratitude to : YouTube Creators, GOOGLE.COM, W.H.O., Getty Images, Shutterstock-Without help from these, this video could not have seen in YouTube! My heart-felt gratitude to them all !!! My social links: Twitter:   / @surji2012   Facebook:   / surajit.ghosh.9404   Subscription Link of YouTube:    / drghoshpresents   For videos😊 YouTube Search: DR Ghosh Presents Google Search:    / dr   Ghosh Presents 😊 Please visit- My Websites : 1) 2)