His MONEY SECRET ~ Joseph Murphy Affirmations to Manifest Wealth While You Sleep ~ Meditation
Joseph Murphy Affirmations - the power of your subconscious mind - you are a money magnet. Change your mind set into riches and prosperity while you sleep. Powerful wealth affirmation video to program your subconscious mind power for prosperity. THE BEST Joseph Murphy Abundance Affirmations While You Sleep - Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Law of Attraction - Think And Grow Rich. These affirmations were recorded exclusively for the Growing Forever YouTube Channel. For best results, listen daily for at least 30 days. 👉👉SUBSCRIBE AND GROW: https://www.youtube.com/c/growingfore... The First 50 Affirmations: The feeling of wealth produces wealth. I rejoice in the prosperity of others. I picture the wealth I desire, and experience the joy of its manifestation. My mind is open and receptive. When I accept an idea, my subconscious goes to work to execute it. I create a vivid picture in my mind of the abundance I desire. Riches flow to me freely and abundantly. My subconscious mind accepts all suggestions, and fulfills my wishes. I release money with joy, and it returns to me multiplied. I manifest the wealth that I hold in my mind. All my financial needs are met at every moment. As I believe in the reality of my ideas, they will manifest. My thoughts are creative and prosperous. My subconscious mind accepts what my conscious mind proclaims. My mind contains infinite intelligence and infinite power. What I feel as true will come to pass. I have the ability to contact and release the powers of my subconscious mind. Wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. Belief in the power of my mind brings amazing results. I am a free flowing channel for harmony and riches. My beliefs create my results. When I am confident of the power within me, I make my dreams come true. I have the capacity to choose wealth. My subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass what I believe is true. I am open and receptive to riches. I am constantly in tune with the substance of wealth. I can acquire anything by acting as though I already have it. I am now in harmony with the infinite riches within and without. When I imagine the end I desire, I get definite results. I can do all things through the power of my subconscious mind. I am an irresistible magnet, and I attract fabulous wealth. There is always a surplus of wealth in my life. Infinite riches are all around me. I am what I think about. I like money, and I use it wisely. Wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. Infinite intelligence is guiding me to choose wealth. Any suggestion has power when I mentally accept it. I am the sum total of my own thoughts. I am poised, serene, and calm. When I place thoughts of prosperity into my subconscious mind, I receive prosperity. I choose my own thoughts, and make my own decisions. As I think and believe, so I receive. The infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind is guiding and directing me. I always succeed. I possess the power to choose riches. My subconscious mind accepts all beliefs and convictions. When I change my thoughts, I change my destiny. I attract people who contribute to the prosperity of my life. When I think about abundance, it will manifest. THE BEST Joseph Murphy Abundance Affirmations While You Sleep - Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Law of Attraction. Thank you for watching Growing Forever. 00:00 Intro 00:47 Powerful Affirmations Do not drive or operate machinery while listening to sleep affirmations, sleep meditation music, binaural beats, or guided sleep relaxations. These affirmations are not medical advice. #josephmurphy #josephmurphyaffirmations #thepowerofyoursubconsciousmind #thinkandgrowrich #thinkandgrowrichnapoleonhill #napoleonhill #thinkandgrowrich #thestrangestsecret #nightingale #manifest #visualize #earlnightingale #gratitude #neville #feelingisthesecret #nevillegoddard #lawofattraction #manifestation #affirmations #lawofassumption #consciousness #abrahamhicks #love #loa #metaphysics #thoughtsbecomethings #waynedyer #quantumphysics #bobproctor #subconsciousmind