Workforce Foresight Hub Podcast Episode 7   IfATE

Workforce Foresight Hub Podcast Episode 7 IfATE

Episode 7 – Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education In this episode, we welcome Dr Richard Clewley and Jonathan Mitchell from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE). Created in 2017, IfATE works with employers to shape apprenticeships, T Levels and higher technical qualifications in order to prepare the workforce for the future. We discuss how they have benefitted from working with the Workforce Foresighting Hub in order to address the future skills challenge. Later, Jonathan and Richard take a broader look at the future of the UK skills challenge, including what changes need to be made and how to support these changes. We also take a look at the greater benefits of addressing the skills challenge for wider society and how this is contributing to helping achieve Government missions.