제76회 ‘국군의 날’ 시가행진. Military with USA. South Korean Armed Forces Parade in Seoul, Korea.韓国「国軍の日」パレード
#국군 #Parade #Korea #Military #USA #Armed Forces #韓国「国軍の日」パレード @ 제 76회 ‘국군의 날’ 시가행진 South Korean Military / Armed Forces Parade in Seoul, Korea Are you watching North Korean leader Kim Jong Un? 영상촬영:이문기 Lee,Moon Gi(Mr ) C/P: (82) 010-5318-2535 카톡:Himoon-88 Facebook:himoon88 WeChat: SeSeNi-88 Email: mklee2525@hotmail com * 비즈니스와 여행, 한국음식, 음악, 축제 등 영상제작을 함께 하실 분은 연락을 주시길 바랍니다 * If you want to work on video production such as business, travel, K-Food, music, and festivals, please contact us