85-Minute Yoga Nidra: Purify the Psyche in the Light of Awareness | NSDR | Guided Meditation

85-Minute Yoga Nidra: Purify the Psyche in the Light of Awareness | NSDR | Guided Meditation

This particular yoga nidra is based on Swami Satyananda Saraswati's fourth scheme in his Yoga Nidra blue book, and its goal is to help you bask in the light of your awareness. After purifying the psyche with the recreation of polar opposite sensations and rapid image visualization, you will travel across a vast ocean before witnessing the flaming light of your awareness in the cave of chidakasha. This facilitate healing and transformation at all levels. Yoga Nidra translates into English as “yogic sleep,” yet this does not tell us all that much. Yoga Nidra refers to both a state of consciousness - one that is different from the waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states - as well as different styles of guided meditations that allows us to begin to consciously gain access to this state. These meditations themselves are a specific sequence of relaxation, meditation, and mindfulness techniques that help the body, mind, and emotions to slowly and gently become more still and silent. Participants then systematically induce profound levels of rest and relaxation within themselves that may have not even been accessible with natural physiological sleep, perhaps due to stress or chronic health conditions. As such, Yoga Nidra itself is considered a form of NSDR, non-sleep deep rest, a term coined by neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman. Simply follow the guidance as best as you can, and your body and mind will do the rest. The yoga nidra itself is roughly 85 minutes in length. Preliminary instructions will be given at the start. If you are interested in getting your own custom yoga nidra recording, please read and fill out the form: https://forms.gle/iXLKymayiGyNX5Xo6 #yoganidra, #guidedmeditation, #meditation, #nsdr, #relaxation, #mindfulness #nidrayoga, #nidra, #mindset , #hubermanlab, #sleep, #calm, #visualization, #insight, #yoga , #manifestation Related Keywords: yoga nidra chakra, Cleansing the Chakras for Ultimate Peace and Calm, guided yoga nidra, non sleep deep rest, NSDR, yoga nidra, male voice, yog nidra, nidra yoga, yoga-nidra, yoga nidra meditation, deep rest, nidra, relaxation,deep relaxation,yoganidra, guided relaxation, yoga nidra reset ,nsdr yoga nidra, yoga nidra guided meditation, guided meditation, restorative yoga, restorative yoga for relaxation, yoga, restorative rest, nidra meditation, calm, peace, chakra, harmony, balance, purification, healing, Restful Stillness, Stefano, root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye, crown chakra, eyebrow center