The Best Light For A Nano Reef Tank!! New Schedule For The Nuvo Fusion 10!
Welcome back reefers!!! In this video I explain my new lighting schedule on my Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion 10! I have the Ai Prime 16 Hd Reef Light and it has been the best upgrade ever! I finally found the settings I like thanks to a forum I found! If you have any questions or comments make sure to leave them below! Thank you all! -ReefTankAdventures __________________________________________ #ReefTank #NanoReef#NanoReefTank #SaltWaterTank #NanoCube #NanoTank #CoralReefTank#SaltWaterAquarium #DesignerClownFish#ClownFish#CleanerShrimp #AcanCoral#FrogSpawnCoral #GreenStarPolyp#CandyCandyCoral #AiPrime16Hd#InTankAquatics #SicceSyncra#ReefGlassProteinSkimmer #InnovativeMarine#InnovativeMarine10 #NuvoFusion#NuvoFusion10 #Nuvo10 #Fusion10#FlipperCleaner #10GallonReef#10GallonReefTank #ReefTankAdventures