RI, ICDS, ARI, AMIN & SFS EXAM 2024 | Reasoning Class | Final Revision By Gopal Sir | Class 15
RI ARI AMIN, ICDS Supervisor, Statistical Field Surveyor 2024 | Reasoning Class | Final Revision #15, Join us for RI ARI AMIN's exclusive Reasoning Class sessions where you'll dive deep into the world of reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking. As an experienced ICDS Supervisor and Statistical Field Surveyor, RI ARI AMIN brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help you develop a sharper and more analytical mindset. RI ARI AMIN, ICDS Supervisor, Statistical Field Surveyor 2024 | Reasoning Classes Playlist:- • RI ARI AMIN, ICDS Supervisor, Statist... #RIARIAMINClasses #ICDSSupervisor2024 #StatisticalFieldSurveyor2024 #ReasoningClass #RIARIAMINRecruitment2024Odisha #ICDSSupervisor2024 #ICDSSupervisorClass 👉 RI,ARI,AMIN,SFS & ICDS PRELIMS EXAM 2024: https://forms.gle/cnsgnXsL3HUaRuB39 📲 Download the Adda247 App: https://adda247.page.link/app 📲 For admission related queries; Please Call: 08130406247 For Daily Study Material & Live Classes Update Join: https://linktr.ee/adda247odia Adda247 Odia Is India's Leading Government Exam Preparation Channel in the Odia language. Prepare for all Odisha State Government Examinations (OTET, OPSC, OSSC, OSSSC, Odisha Civil Services), Railway Examinations (RRB, RRB NTPC, RRB GROUP D), and Central Government SSC Examinations (CHSL, CGL), Banking (SBI, IBPS Clerk, PO). Our Channels ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 📲 Subscribe to Adda247 Odia Banking SSC Railway - / @adda247odiabankingsscrailway 📲 Subscribe to Adda247 Odia OPSC Channel - / @opscadda247 Mahapack ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 📲 ODISHA MAHAPACK: https://bit.ly/3tHHzUa Live Classes ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Police Batch - 👉Odisha Police Constable & Junior Clerk Batch - https://bit.ly/4gFot9B OAS | ACS Batch - 👉 OPSC OCS (PRE + MAINS + Interview) Foundation 2024-25: https://bit.ly/3yKtFYl Teaching Batches - 👉 OSSSC SSD Teacher For ARTS & Science (PCM & CBZ) Batch: https://bit.ly/3XvVfRN 👉 OSSSC SSD Teacher For ସେବକ/ସେବିକା, PET Batch 2024: https://bit.ly/4dLR7nv 👉 Target BATCH (Prelims + Mains) For RHT/LTR Exams 2024-25: https://bit.ly/3XazCr3 👉 Odisha B.ED (Science, Arts) Entrance Exam 2025 Foundation Batch: https://bit.ly/4dzTcSO Central & State Exam Batches - 👉 Railway NTPC CBT 1 & 2 Batch With 10 Years PYQ Discussion: https://bit.ly/3A1361y 👉 SSC GD Constable New Batch - https://bit.ly/3BeSX1C OSSSC | OSSC | Other Exam - 👉 PANCHAYAT DEO CUM ACCOUNTANT BATCH 2024: https://bit.ly/3MfhdTv 👉 RAPID FIRE REVISION BATCH For RI,ARI,AMIN,SFS & ICDS EXAM 2024: https://bit.ly/3Mj283t 👉 Superstar English Test & Discussion: https://bit.ly/4cJPwxc 👉 Odia AARAMV NEW IAS, OAS, Odisha State Govt. Exams: https://bit.ly/4dsiwdk 👉 Target 93K Jobs by Odisha Govt.: https://bit.ly/4bV1Ieb 👉 Complete Foundation Course Of Web Development Using Chat GPT: https://bit.ly/45CYeLw TEST SERIES, BOOKS, E-BOOKS ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 👉 TEST SERIES: https://www.adda247.com/odisha-state-... 👉 BOOKS: https://www.adda247.com/odisha-state-... 👉 E-BOOKS: https://www.adda247.com/odisha-state-... SOCIAL MEDIA ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 📲 Download our Adda247 App - https://adda247.page.link/app 📲 Adda247 Odia Website: https://www.adda247.com/or/ 📲 Adda247 Odia Facebook - / odiaadda247 📲 Adda247 Telegram - https://t.me/Adda247Odia #Adda247Odia #Adda247Odisha #Adda247