Data Structures & Algorithms in Depth (DSA) | in C | C++ | By Vikas Singh | One Shot Video
Welcome to the Vikas Singh Sir's CoDing SeeKho Channel. He is one of the Finest Teacher in CoDing by His Quality of Silence and Pause Way Teaching. He Teaches C, DSA, C++, Java & Python Follow us on Instagram for Interview Preparation Videos: / coding_seekho Download CoDing SeeKho Application from Playstore https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Download CoDing SeeKho Application from App store(Apple iOS) https://apps.apple.com/in/app/myinsti... After Download the app Use Org Code: JABEL Data Structures & Algorithms in Depth (DSA) | in C | C++ | By Vikas Singh | One Shot Video @codingseekho We are Providing topic wise timestamps below: 2:26 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms 16:20 Roadmap of DSA Course 32:00 Pointers in C 34:20 Dynamic Memory Allocation 35:30 Predefined functions of DMA malloc calloc realloc free 51:50 Structure in C How Structure works? | Why do we use structures? 58:24 How do we use Structure with Dynamically Allocated Memory ? 1:04:30 What is Functions in Programming? 1:16:20 What are Algorithms? 1:17:58 Time Complexity 1:19:45 Space Complexity 1:27:40 Types of Analysis Best Case Average Case Worst Case 1:39:10 Asymptotic Notation in DSA Big O Notation Omega Notation and Theota Notation 1:48:10 Abstract Data Types in DSA 1:49:50 Linear Search Full Program with Explanation 2:28:19 Binary Search in DSA Full Program with Explanation 3:03:15 Sorting Techniques in DSA 3:05:56 Bubble Sort in DSA Full Program with Explanation 3:40:23 Selection Sort in DSA Full Program with Explanation 4:40:45 Insertion Sort in DSA Full Program with Explanation 3:47:05 Quick Sort in DSA Full Program with Explanation 5:25:23 Bucket Sort Radix Sort in DSA with Full Explanation 5:35:20 Merge Sort in DSA Full Explanation 5:41:38 Introduction to Linked List 5:49:50 Types of Linked List 6:09:10 Singly Linked List in DSA Full Program with Explanation 6:46:10 Doubly Linked List in DSA Full Program with Explanation 8:52:21 Circular Linked List in DSA Full Program with Explanation 10:10:40 Introduction to Stack 10:13:59 Operations of stack Push Pop 10:20:50 Stack implementation using Array in C in DSA Full Program with Explanation 10:42:50 Polish Notation in DSA with Explanation 10:47:43 Convert infix to prefix in Polish Notation 10:50:55 Convert infix to postfix in Polish Notation 11:01:31 Algorithm to convert expression from infix to postfulix Notation 11:10:42 Algorithm to Evaluate expression from postfix 11:26:24 Introduction to Trees in DSA with full Explanation 11:38:50 Binary Tree in DSA with full Explanation 11:42:22 Complete Binary Tree in DSA with full Explanation 11:45:45 Representation of Binary tree using Linked List Pointers and Nodes 11:55:03 Traversing of Binary Tree using Inorder Preorder and Postorder Traversal. 12:01:19 Inorder Traversal pseudocode 12:05:10 preorder Traversal pseudocode 12:20:25 Postorder Traversal pseudocode 12:28:14 Level Order Traversal in Binary Tree pseudocode 12:44:26 AVL Tree in Depth 12:53:32 Insertion in AVL Tree 12:57:25 Rotations in AVL Tree RR LR LL RL Rotations in DSA with full Explanation 13:18:05 Heap in Tree 13:31:15 M-Way Search Tree in DSA with full Explanation 13:37:20 B Tree in Trees in DSA with full Explanation 13:42:17 Queue in DSA with full Explanation Types 13:49:20 Circular Queue full program with Explanation in Hindi 14:48:50 Priority Queue with Explanation in DSA 14:48:40 Double Ended Queue in DSA Deque #DSALanguage #DataStructures #Algorithms #ProgrammingLanguages #DataStructures #Algorithms #Coding #Programming #ComputerScience #ProgrammingLanguage #Coding #SoftwareDevelopment #Programming #CodeSyntax