Holy Mass: Simbang Gabi - Day 1 December 15, 2021 | San Diego, CA
Holy Mass: Simbang Gabi - Day 1 St. Mary Catholic Church - National City, CA Diocese of San Diego Presider: Most Rev. Aux. Bishop John Dolan Co-Presiders: Fr. Nemesio Sungcad Fr. Rogelio Pingol, Jr Wednesday, December 15, 2021 Sponsors: El Shaddai SD Chapter Music: El Shaddai Choir 6:00 PM Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & YouTube @stmarynationalcity Online Giving: stmarynationalcity.org/online-donation All song lyrics reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-734790. All rights reserved. #stmarynationalcity #holymass #catholic #sdcatholic #sdcatholics #simbanggabi