GTA Sindacco Chronicles - Mission #59 - Curtain Falls

GTA Sindacco Chronicles - Mission #59 - Curtain Falls

Grand Theft Auto Sindacco Chronicles Walkthrough Mission 59 Curtain Falls recorded in high definition Game description 1998. A new mafia war rises in Liberty City - the Sindaccos, Forellis and Leones are their throats for domination of the worst city in America. The Sindaccos, led by the ambitious Paulie Sindacco, plan to conquer what they can get their hands on what's left in the city. A loyal henchman they have, Joseph Daniel O'Toole, is supposed to infiltrate in the Leone family. Meanwhile, Paulie's two nephews, Frank and Marcus, are preparing their men for a big war... Recorded using Vidma Recorder Edited using YouCut Video Editor #gta #gtalibertycitystories #gtamod #gtamods #grandtheftauto #libertycitystories #ppsspp #ppssppgold #pssppgames    / @xferoni