2024: YOUR DREAM LIFE.. in a day? (scientifically dream life) with AIF technology.

2024: YOUR DREAM LIFE.. in a day? (scientifically dream life) with AIF technology.

DISCLAIMER There is no guarantee. this will not replace any medications. This video is an edit that contains uplifting affirmations layered with background audio. I do not provide any guarantees about the content. The video targets users who engage in affirmations and related contents. For those who don't, I kindly request consideration for those who do. Once again, please note that my content is not a substitute for any medical treatment, nor does it offer any form of guarantee. Hello everybody! I am KOTTIE, and in this video, you can see me trying to play GAMES and EDITS, while you can listen to the affirmations as well🥰 ______________ THE VID HAS VISUAL AFFS. ANY GENDER AND AGE CAN USE. DON'T SPEED UP THE AUDIO. CAN BE DOWNLOADED AS MP3. ❤️ MADE WITH MY NEWEST AIF FORMULA (explanation on vid) PLEASE SUBMIT UR PICT RESULTS! to my insta @resultz.here ❤️ UNISEX!!!!! female/male can use:) BENEFITS 💫✨ SUMMARY : So basically where i mostly create physical appearance sub, this time is more targeted towards your LIFE, reality, and also mindset. This sub itself will transform not only your LIFE but your mindset too. Contains scientifically detailed affirmations; from scientific to basic words. ⚠️ LOOK AT PINNED COMMENT. 🔓 Step One: Your Mindset Have a perfect mindset and self concept. Rewire your thoughts and brain; to a significantly upgraded, improved life. Safely modify your thoughts and brain; to manifest instantly, absorb positive affirmations and transform it to your reality. Parts of your brain that control your thoughts (scientifically detailed) are healthily boosted and rewired to create and manifest your DREAM LIFE. 🔓 Step Two: Quantum Jumping Quantum upgrade and jump instantly to your desired reality (basically change your reality to desired/ improve your life) 🔓 Step Three: The Brain This part contains the part of your thoughts and brain to be safely boosted; Rewired to manifest your dream life; Have a healthy and energetic brain. 🔓 Step Four: The "Extras" Manifest infinite abundance and money; Your dream, desired, ideal life; Desired scenarios; Your desired SELF; Happy, easy life; You are completely happy and go with the flow; Transform your reality; Find your life purpose; Change your bad habits; Perfect physical and mental health; And BASICALLY EVERYTHING that you can imagine. Everyday is a good day, the best day you've ever experienced; Full of new opportunity; Your life resembles those wattpad-movie life; Everything is wonderful, everything is okay; Solve all of your problems; Everything is on your hand. Glow up 100% inside out; physically and mentally. 🔓 Step Five: Booster Achieve permanent, extremely fast, and instant r3sults that last a lifetime. +++ A.I technology embedded to this sub, along with the whispers of my own voice, meditation and gentle frequency. ______________ ✨CHECK PICTURE RESULTS FROM MY SUBS on my INSTAGRAM ✨ • Visit my MAIN instagram : KOTTIEEXE • Visit my backup channel :    / @kottiesbackup   ✨ORDER CUSTOM SUBLIMINAL REQUEST✨ PAID OR CUSTOM PERSONALIZED REQUESTS ARE AVAILABLE, CONTACT ME • @kottieworkshop on INSTAGRAM (and price list) • Email : [email protected] (FAST RESPONSE) ______________ PIANO :eryerM