How to Change the Default Username on Raspberry Pi

How to Change the Default Username on Raspberry Pi

I finally figured it out... This video will walk you through the process of changing the default username on your Raspberry Pi or any linux machine. This is a useful security measure so remote agents can't access your device by using out-of-the-box credentials. Outline Intro 0:00 - 0:08 Ping RPI 0:08 - 0:18 SSH into Device 0:18 - 0:56 Elevate to Root 0:56 - 1:08 Change Root Password 1:08 - 1:19 Disable Auto Login 1:19 - 1:47 Install Vim 1:47 - 2:00 Edit sshd_config 2:00 - 2:43 Restart SSH 2:43 - 3:00 Reboot RPI 3:00 - 3:13 SSH as Root 3:13 - 3:35 Rename Home Directory 3:35 - 3:46 SSH with New User 3:46 - 4:08 #raspberrypi ______________________________________________________________________ 🗓 No Code Technology Mastermind Zoom Call Calendar [Free to Join] 📞 Let's Talk. One-on-One. ➕ Consider Subscribing 🏢 Business Consulting