Encroachment of common area in housing society Bye - Law No. 169(a) |encroachment in housing society
Encroachment of common area in housing society Bye - Law No 169 (a) The Society shall not let out or give on leave and license basis or permit any subletting, any open space available under the Staircases, Terraces/Open ground/Lawns/Clubhouse/ Common Hall etc. to any person whether the Member of the Society or not, for any purpose whatsoever. a) All open /common area meant for use of all Members for eg. staircase, steps, landing areas, parking spaces, lift, corridor, and such other spaces, cannot be occupied by any Member for his own use. The use of such areas shall be restricted to the cause for which these are meant. Any Member found to be violating the above condition by encroachment shall have to vacate the encroachment and further he/she shall pay an amount equal to five times the monthly maintenance charges per month for the period for which he/she has encroached such spaces and further Members must not carry out any constructions, structural changes over and above the sanctioned plan without prior permission of the Society and Concerned Municipal Authorities / Competent Authorities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other related queries What is encroachment in society? Can society charge penalty for not attending AGM? What is Section 169 A of the MCS Act? What is the punishment for encroachment? What is the rule of encroachment? What is the fine for delay in AGM? What if society AGM is not held? What is Section 146 of MCS Act? How do you take action against encroachment? Illegal encroachment in lobbies of housing society. What action cab be taken? Using Common Areas For Private Purpose Is Encroachment bye law no 169(a) penalties for encroachment of common spaces Can housing society impose penalty society bye-laws 169 a Encroachment of common area law Society Bye laws in Marathi pdf society bye-laws for internal repairs Playing in housing societies after 10pm Common Area - Encroachments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #apartmentmaintenancecharge #howtocalculatemaintenacecharge #sinkingfundcalculation #onlinesocietymanagement #societyconsultantmumbai #Nonoccupancycharges #noc #AssociateMemberinhousingsociety #secretary #chairman #treasurer #conveyance #legal #pune #deemedconveyance #legalconsultants #chsbyelaws #cooperativeact #mlafundforchs #chselections #apartementcondominium #apartmenttochsconversion #Workofcommittee #chairman #secretary #treasurer #leakage #leakageinbuilding #leakageinsociety #leakageinflat #Howtocalculate #Maintenancechargesofcooperativehousingsociety #cooperativesociety #maintenancechargesrules #howtocalculatemaintenance #hybridemethod #societymaintenance #Howtocalculatemaintenancecharges #apartmentmaintenance #Societymaintenancecharges #Persqft #maintenance #maintenancecharges #maintenancecost #persquarefeetcalculation #squarefeetcalculation #resellflat #Penaltyforencroachment #Penalty #encroachment #powerofcommittee #powerofmanagingcommittee #rent #rentalflat #flatonrent #rentaflat #rentagreement #leaveandlicenseagreement #leaveandlicense #housing ,#byelaws ,#statutory ,#register, #compliance , #cooperative ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact Us Subscribe to us on YouTube: / @kclsocietyservices4997 Facebook Page: / kclsocietyservices Website: https://www.kclsocietyservices.online/ Email: [email protected] WhatsApp Group: https://wa.me/+917715824291/?text=CHS... Telegram Group: https://t.me/cooperativehousingsociety WhatsApp Channel : https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va6B... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: "This video reflects my own understanding of the respective topics. This video is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to infringe on any copyrights. This content is based on many reference sources, Model Bye-Law, MCS ACT 1960, and absolutely as per my experience and is probably is correct in my view but in general you should always verify by yourself or your legal advisor. If you believe that this video has used any copyrighted material in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us at [email protected] and we will take appropriate action."