2024-12-24 聖誕平安夜 聯合聖餐崇拜 Christmas Eve Joint Holy Communion

2024-12-24 聖誕平安夜 聯合聖餐崇拜 Christmas Eve Joint Holy Communion

Preacher 講員: 梁少珍牧師 Rev. Siu Chun Leung 英語講道 English Sermon: 24:44 粵語講道 Cantonese Sermon: 30:57 伴奏 Accompanist:鄭慧君 Michelle Zheng Visit us at www.stechurch.com 本堂崇拜所使用詩歌屬於版權允許使用: ONE LICENSE #A-737761; CCLI License #2643036; Streaming License #20619056; CCLI Song #4400835 大衛城中歌 Once in Royal David’s City(普天頌讚 HUP 113) 詞:Cecil Frances Humphreys Alexander 1848 楊蔭瀏譯 1934 曲:Henry John Gauntlett 1849 Hymns of Universal Praise 普天頌讚 (1986) #113 ©1986 Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd 基督教文藝出版社版權所有 天使佳音歌 Angels We Have Heard On High(普天頌讚 HUP 103) 詞:French traditional carol alt. By Earl Marlatt 1937 黃永熙譯 1976 曲:French carol melody Hymns of Universal Praise 普天頌讚 (1986) #103 ©1986 Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd 基督教文藝出版社版權所有 傳揚佳音歌 Go, Tell It on the Mountain(普天頌讚 HUP 104) 詞:Negro spiritual John Wesley Work, Jr. 1907 (stanza) 歐陽仁譯 1973 曲:Negro melody; Harmony by. John Wesley Work III 1940 Hymns of Universal Praise 普天頌讚 (1986) #104 ©1986 Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd 基督教文藝出版社版權所有 奉獻樂曲:O Little Town of Bethlehem (鋼琴及大提琴合奏) Music by Lewis H. Redner; Arranged by Ricky and Julie Valadez 聖餐樂曲:O Holy Night (鋼琴及大提琴合奏) Music by Adolphe Adam; Arranged by ruxmusicprojects 平安夜歌 Silent Night, Holy Night(普天頌讚 HUP 100) 詞:Joseph Mohr 1818 tr. John Freeman Young 1863 劉廷芳譯 1933 曲:Franz Gruber 1818 Hymns of Universal Praise 普天頌讚 (1986) #100 ©1986 Chinese Christian Literature Council Ltd 基督教文藝出版社版權所有