8:00AM Service D'adoration | The Family of God | 2/16/2025 | 6012 Nw 9th Ct Margate, FL 33063
1 . Pour accepter Jesus +1 754-304-7428 2. offrandes https://www.tfgchurch.net/giving 3. Zelle : 954-394-6518 4. HORAIRE / SCHEDULE Lundi: Midi 12:00pm Mercredi: Midi 12:00pm Jeudi: 7:00pm Service Cri Délivrance Vendredi: Midi 12:00pm Samedi: 9:30 am Jeûne 5. Dimanche Culte D'adoration : 8:00am-11:00am & 11:30am-1:45pm