12:30 PM December 25, 2020 | Misa de Navidad (Mass of Christmas) in Spanish
12:30 PM December 25, 2020 Misa de Navidad (Mass of Christmas) in Spanish ═══════ Holy Mass live streamed from St. Ann Catholic Church in Clayton, North Carolina, USA ═══════ Donate Online! (Donar en línea!) https://st-annschurch.org/online-giving/ Subscribe! It’s FREE! Visit our website: https://st-annschurch.org Like us on Facebook! https://fb.com/stanncatholic/ en Español / iglesiacatolicasantaana Follow us on Instagram! / stann_dor @stann_dor Follow our Youth Group on Instagram! / youth_of_st_ann @youth_of_st_ann Powered by Restream https://restream.io/