My Steps terrarium in the fish bowl. Used gravels, charcoal, garden soil, Fittonia and moss.
My new Steps Terrarium💗 Finally..the making of my new Terrarium video is completed. It's the first time I recorded and edited this video by myself so I know there might be a scope for improvement. Hope it helps whoever wants to learn to make a terrarium 🥰 I made this new terrarium in the fish bowl which was just lying around. I used some gravel to help with the drainage in case of overwatering, charcoal to keep mould and mildew at bay, garden soil and plants like Fittonia, moss. The moss gives it a beautiful carpeted look. Used a cling wrap sheet to seal the Terrarium so that the moisture gets locked in and helps it to create its own ecosystem. Once lightly sprayed with water, the Terrarium doesn't need to be watered for months. Looking forward to seeing its development.