EFFECT OF WEIGHT ON PREGNANCY प्रेगनेंसी प्लान करते समय आपका वजन कितना होना चाहिए (HINDI)

EFFECT OF WEIGHT ON PREGNANCY प्रेगनेंसी प्लान करते समय आपका वजन कितना होना चाहिए (HINDI)

#WeightForPregnancy #ObesityRisksInPregnancy #HighWeightProblemsInPregnancy #GynaecologistDrDiptiJain #RisksofHeavyBodyInPregnancy #IdealWeightForConception In this video Dr Dipti Jain describes in detail about the problems that appear when a female is overweight while plannina pregnancy.There are certain risks botn for mother and baby if pregnancy occurs in obese woman. ONLINE CONSULTATION FACILITY Available : Consultation fees 500 rs (Consultation will be on google meet) . Message on 7096021980 to book an appointment for video consult. Dr Dipti Jain email : [email protected] Advance Hospital Ahmedabad For orthopedic videos subscribe    / latu12345   This video is made for patient education purpose only. For any medical problem it is advised to consult a doctor physically and take treatment as advised by your doctor.This information should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem or disease.Expert professional care is a must. The intention of making these videos is just to increase awareness and knowledge of general public regarding health issues. This is not at all a substitute of patients going to hospital and taking treatment by a doctor after getting clinically examined