Congregation Beth Israel Scottsdale - Yom Kippur Morning Service 5784/2023

Congregation Beth Israel Scottsdale - Yom Kippur Morning Service 5784/2023

LIVESTREAMING ONLY - Please call 480.951.0323 if you experience any issues with your audio, video, or the live streaming platforms and we will do our best to resolve them as quickly as possible. Prayer book: How to use the online Prayer book: SUBSCRIBE TO BETH ISRAEL ON YOUTUBE CONNECT WITH BETH ISRAEL WEB: FACEBOOK:   / cbiaz   INSTAGRAM:   / cbi_az   TWITTER:   / cbiaz   ABOUT BETH ISRAEL Congregation Beth Israel is a Reform Jewish congregation located in Scottsdale, Arizona. At Congregation Beth Israel we strive to create a “Kehilah Kedoshah – A Sacred Community” for all our members and guests. We do this by instilling a sense of our core Jewish values of prayer, learning and righteous deeds in our programs and services. Our members are considered part of our extended family sharing together in spirit and friendship.