【ENG sub | 100 Essential Korean Grammar】 58. V-을까 보다 | TOPIK Lesson | Woorirang Pattern 100

【ENG sub | 100 Essential Korean Grammar】 58. V-을까 보다 | TOPIK Lesson | Woorirang Pattern 100

😃 Let's study Korean with Woorirang Pattern 100 lecture🎉👏👏 Today, we are going to study Pattern no.58 [ V-을까 보다 ]. Let's get started! 📝───────────────────── 58. V-을까 보다 [ 계획, 희망 ] 어떤 행동을 할 생각이나 마음이 있음을 나타내는 표현 의지는 있으나 그 의지가 불확실할 때 많이 사용 The pattern "V-을까 보다" means "I try to V" which is an expression that indicates that the speaker has a mind or thought to do something although it is not decided clearly. 예문) 더우니까 냉면을 먹을까 봐요. ─────────────────────── After class, you can review the grammar with [KPOPx우리랑패턴] video on the channel playlist. ✏️ Visit the link below to learn more about the lesson! http://www.woorirangkorea.com/board_v... ───────────────────── 🏠 OFFICIAL WEBSITE | https://www.woorirangkorea.com ❤️ INSTAGRAM | @woorirangkorea 📘 FACEBOOK | 우리랑코리아 WoorirangKorea ───────────────────── #studykorean #koreangrammar #TOPIK