13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass with UACatholic 6/26/22

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass with UACatholic 6/26/22

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrant: Fr. John Paul Forté, OP Preacher: Fr. John Paul Forté, OP Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/reading... Responses: https://www.universalis.com/static/ma... Online Giving Program: www.uacatholic.org/donate Songs, numbers from 2022 Choose Christ Missal and Breaking Bread from OCP.org: Gathering: The Summons (KELVINGROVE, Bell) BB-385 Psalm: You Are My Inheritance, O Lord (Hillebrand) CC-186 Presentation: Make Your Home in Me (Walther) BB-621 Communion: O Come to the Altar (Brown, Brown, Brock, Furtick, Joye) CC-197 Reflection: All That Is Hidden (Farrell) BB-495 Closing: Lead Me, Lord (Becker) BB-739 St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center Tucson, Arizona UACatholic.org