Reactors Reacting to "I TAKE IT BLACK, LIKE MY MEN" | Airplane (1980)

Reactors Reacting to "I TAKE IT BLACK, LIKE MY MEN" | Airplane (1980)

Subscribe for more: ----- 0:00 Intro 0:03 The Mirandalorian Reacts    / @movieswithmiranda   0:20 Reelin' with Asia and BJ    / @reelinwithasiaandbj1   0:39 Addie Counts    / @addiecounts   0:55 Dos Cavazos    / @doscavazos   1:25 Hold Down A    / @holddowna   1:56 Whimsory    / @whimsory   2:13 JUST TRUST ASH    / @justtrustash   2:59 Popcorn In Bed    / @popcorninbed   3:09 EOM Reacts    / @eomreacts   3:31 Just SUMM Reactions    / @justsummreactions   3:59 MellVerse    / @hellomellowxvi   4:22 InnaSoloTV    / @innasolotv   4:54 CinePals    / @cinepals   5:14 Verowak Reacts    / @verowakreacts   5:34 Cine Situation    / @cinesituation   5:49 Nia Maki    / @niamakireacts   6:15 See Jane Go TV    / @seejanegotv   6:38 Popcorn Roulette    / @popcornroulettereactions   7:03 Ashleigh Burton    / @awkwardashleigh   7:24 James VS Cinema    / @jamesvscinema   7:44 OctoKrool    / @octokrool   ----- #firsttimewatching #airplane #moviereactions #reactionvideos #moviereaction #reactionvideo ----