FASTING PRAYERS ll DAY 24 ll sister.Grace Esther ll #MpcKesarapalli#pasprabodhkumar

FASTING PRAYERS ll DAY 24 ll sister.Grace Esther ll #MpcKesarapalli#pasprabodhkumar

🕎 HI FAMILY IN CHRIST, Welcome to FASTING PRAYERS DAY 24 SERVICE . GOD is g oing to do more than you ask and imagine through this service. Share & Subscribe to the Messiah Pentecost Ministries channel to stream our latest messages and your favourite sermons and much more. 🕎 We encourage you to be partakers in the reward of soul winning and church edification through your partnership and through sowing into a good soil. MESSIAH PENTECOST MINISTRIES Kesarapalli , Andhra Pradesh Contact us +91 7777 80 1717