Worship Service for the Second Sunday of Advent - December 5, 2021
Welcome to the Worship Service for the Second Sunday of Advent. Today's message by Reverend Keith Cupples, is "The Fear of Home" in the "Come Home for Christmas" series. Scriptures for today: Malachi 3:1-4 "The Messenger of God is Coming", Phillippians 1:3-11 "Your Love Will Overflow", Luke 1:68-79 "Zachariah's Prophecy", Luke 3:1-6 "God's Word Came to John" Music today by organist David Lewis. Musical Call to Worship: "O How Shall I Receive You", NCH #102 Hymn of Praise: "My Heart Sings Out with Joyful Praise" NCH #106, Anthem: "Lo, How a Rose", Hymn of Encouragement: "Beautiful Jesus" NCH #44. For more information, announcements, events, or making a financial offering please visit us at provocommunityucc.org. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. If you wish to join our weekly Sunday Morning Bible Study discussion, Thursday Afternoon Disciple Course, receive the monthly newsletter, or the weekly worship service bulletin, please send an email to: [email protected] and specify which of these you are interested in taking part. We want to hear your story on keepingthefaithprovo.org, and learn more about plans to restore our historic buildings, further our mission in our community, and how you can contribute.