The Altered Life - Leviticus 4:1-5:137 (August 4, 2024)
The sin offering was offered to put an end to the separation between God and man that was the result of sin. Though our sin defiles us, it also makes unclean the place where God's presence dwells. This offering purifies it once more so that God could dwell among his people. In Christ, this means that his sacrifice doesn't just forgive us of our sins, but purifies our soul so that God might dwell in us. - Leviticus 4:1-5:13 How does Jesus' sacrifice fulfill and surpass the Old Testament offerings? How does the purification offering in Leviticus relate to our relationship with God today? Dive deep into the transformative power of worship and discover how an ancient offering holds profound relevance for believers today. Uncover the truths about sin's nature and the extraordinary lengths God goes to maintain fellowship with His people. This message will challenge you to examine your heart, embrace confession, and experience the liberating power of God's forgiveness in a new way. Additional Scripture: Leviticus 8:15 Romans 12:1 Hebrews 9:21-26 Matthew 26:27-28 1 John 2:1-2 Psalm 32:1-3 1 John 1:9 Chapters: 00:00 Welcome & Announcements 05:20 Enough 08:40 Same God 15:13 The Blessing 22:52 Sermon with Pastor Dan 01:15:54 Communion 01:18:53 What A Beautiful Name 01:23:15 Communion (conclusion) 01:29:03 Benediction [Music & Video licensed through CCLI , Christian Copyright Licensing International: Used with permission. Church Copyright License Number: 90655 and CCLI Streaming License Number: 21333496] [MvH/TK/AvH/BC] Keywords: worship; purification offering; sin; forgiveness; confession; tabernacle; altar; sacrifice; Jesus Christ; cleansing; heart examination; fellowship with God