Mike Mentzer showed us the importance of carbs for muscle growth

Mike Mentzer showed us the importance of carbs for muscle growth

Mike Mentzer really was way ahead of his time. Arthur Jones actually got Mike Mentzer on the high intensity path of training. Mike just took it even further. Mike Mentzert was actually a medical student and it's interesting that Mike showed us that the suffix hydrate of the word carbohydrate actually means water. The muscle actually consists mostly of water and not mostly of protein. Mike Mentzer further pointed out that every gram of glycogen in the muscle actually holds 3 grams of water and if you don't balance your diet with enough carbohydrates, at least 60% in a balanced diet your high intensity workout will result in your muscle going into catabolism and you will loose muscle because now your body has to turn it's protein into sugar in order to fuel your workout. #bodybuilding #muscle #gym #exercise