Hepatitis Types ABC and E l Acute and Chronic Liver Injury l Dr. P. Anitha @MedPlusONETV
Hepatitis Types ABC and E l Acute and Chronic Liver Injury l Dr. P. Anitha @MedPlusONETV Primary Prevention for Jaundice l Vaccinations l Medication l Dr. P. Anita @MedPlusONETV #hepatitisb #hepatitistreatment #hepatitisd #drpanita #naveenreddykankanala #medplusonetv #kaminenihospitals watch more Dr. P Anita videos on : • Dr. P. Anita l Gastroenterologist & H... Dr.P.ANITA MBBS, MD, DM Senior Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist Kamineni Hospitals-King Koti ————— Did you Like the Video Then Follow Us on Our Social Media Networks ▪ Facebook 👉 www.facebook.com/MedPlusOnetvOriginal ▪ Instagram 👉 www.instagram.com/medplusonetv ▪ Twitter 👉www.twitter.com/MedPlusOneTV ————— 🧡Thanks for watching! ✅ Like Share and Subscribe to MedPlus One TV 😷 Stay Safe Stay Healthy 🚑MEDICAL DISCLAIMER This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with a physician with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you watch in this video. We strive for 100% accuracy, but errors may occur, and medications, protocols, and treatment methods may change over time.