Electric Light Orchestra — Live in USA, 1978 (4:3)
Please note: logos into the screen. to cover watermarks. sorry. neccesary to can post the gem The video featured here was likely projected onto the screen's monitors for the audience behind the band to see. There are instances where this feed is black so the audience would instead focus on other spectacles, such as the laser light shows. This blank screen occurs at the beginning and during some performances, such as the first half of Mik's Violin Solo and some of Mr. Blue Sky. For the widescreen presentations, please check out the Acetaters' upload of the same show: • Electric Light Orchestra - Live in US... This 4:3 version. shows the whole image. for "obvious" reasons we put the legends and logo because it was better than what was originally there. I think those who will understand. We have been after these jewels for years. we did not put them to disturb the vision. If one day I find another cleaner I will share it. But If it takes me another 44 years, congratulate me, but because I reached 105 years old The Acetaters and elodevi would like to take you back to July 15th 1978. Electric Light Orchestra had just released their most ambitious album yet, Out of the Blue. It is the pinnacle of their artistic creativity and symphonic rock sound. Tonight’s concert will bring a spaceship spectacle to an estimated 80,000 people at Cleveland’s Municipal Stadium. For the first time in 44 years, we present ELO at their pinnacle. ELO are: Jeff Lynne, Bev Bevan, Richard Tandy, Kelly Groucutt, Mik Kaminski, Hugh McDowell, Melvyn Gale. Welcome to The Big Night. En Español: los logos en pantalla cubren marcas de agua. sepan disculpar. Tenga en cuenta: el video que se muestra aquí probablemente se proyectó en los monitores de la pantalla para que la audiencia detrás de la banda lo vea. Hay casos en los que esta transmisión es negra, por lo que la audiencia se concentraría en otros espectáculos, como los espectáculos de luces láser. Esto ocurre al principio y durante algunas actuaciones, como la primera mitad de Mik's Violin Solo y algunas de Mr. Blue Sky. Para ver la resolución recortada, consulte la carga del mismo programa de The Acetaters. • Electric Light Orchestra - Live in US... Los Acetaters y elodevi quieren trasladarte al 15 de julio de 1978. Electric Light Orchestra acababa de publicar su álbum más ambicioso, Out of the Blue. Es la cumbre de su creatividad artística y su sonido de rock sinfónico. El concierto de esta noche ofrecerá un espectáculo de naves espaciales a unas 80.000 personas en el Estadio Municipal de Cleveland. Por primera vez en 44 años, presentamos a la ELO en su apogeo. ELO son: Jeff Lynne, Bev Bevan, Richard Tandy, Kelly Groucutt, Mik Kaminski, Hugh McDowell, Melvyn Gale. Bienvenidos a The Big Night. 0:00 Introduction 1:27 Standin' In The Rain 5:02 Night In The City 8:41 Turn To Stone 12:48 Can't Get It Out Of My Head 17:11 Hugh's Cello Solo 23:37 Tightrope 28:48 Telephone Line 33:23 Rockaria! 36:24 Mik's Violin Solo 41:57 Bev's Talk 43:10 Strange Magic 46:22 Showdown 49:58 Mr. Blue Sky 54:13 Sweet Talkin' Woman 58:10 Evil Woman 1:02:14 Do Ya 1:08:25 Livin' Thing 1:12:35 Ma-Ma-Ma Belle 1:20:50 Roll Over Beethoven 1:27:28 Outroduction