WHAT IS COMPUTER#defination #computer defination#digital computer#introduction#intro #intros
What is computer DEFINATION Introduction To Computer System. Beginners Complete Introduction To Computer System. Definition, Components, Features And Characteristics Of Computer कंप्यूटर सिस्टम का परिचय , In this video tutorial , yintroduction to the computer system. This video tutorial is specially designed for the beginners to learn the fundamental concepts related to computer. We will study the definition of computer, various components of computer system, important characteristics, and features of computer, and how computer works. Let us start with a simple introduction, to the computer system. A Computer system is defined as, a programmable electronics device that can be programmed to accept the input data then process this input data as per the program instructions. The computer then presents the processed data, to the user, as an output. The user can utilize the processed data, for some meaningful work. The computer system mainly consist of two types of components. The first type is called, the hardware components and the second type is called the software components. The hardware components are the physical parts of the computer, such as keyboard , display monitor, mouse , CPU cabinet ,and other such parts. The computer system needs two types of software components to function. Read. http//digitalcomputerDC.com ******************************* www.DigitalcomputeradDC.com LEARN TO DIGITAL COMPUTER ************************* #IntroductionToComputer #Computer technology #HowComputerWord #digitalcomputer #computerknowledge #computerscience #computerfundamentals TOPICS COVERED IN THIS VIDEO Introduction To Computer System. Beginners Guide To Computer. How Computer Works. Computer System Tutorial. Learn Computers. Computer Block Diagram. Computer Functions. Computer Features. Computer Fundamentals. Definition, Components, Features And Characteristics Of Computer