2019 11 22 Reflection 709 (Bro. Daniel D' Souza OP on Lk. 19: 45-48)

2019 11 22 Reflection 709 (Bro. Daniel D' Souza OP on Lk. 19: 45-48)

Like us on facebook at   / dominicanministriesgoa   write to us: [email protected] Website: www.dominicans.in My house shall be called a house of prayer. The gospel passage today presents us Jesus carrying out his mission in the house of his father. The prophecy of Malachi is fulfilled when Jesus enters the temple. For Malachi says: and suddenly the Lord whom you seek will come to his temple. Jesus’ gesture of driving away buyers and sellers at the temple recalls the prophecy of Isaiah: My house shall be called a house of prayer. Jesus to restore the temple to its original purpose stops, all commercialism and worldly business at the temple. He demands the people to change their ways and be about gods business. He himself starts to be about gods business by teaching and preaching them.He exhorts them not to defeat the temple of its sole purpose: to encounter god through prayer and worship. Jesus was on fire with zeal for the house of his father and determined that it be respected as a house of prayer. Therefore he carries out his cleansing action. Jesus’ gestures and words today make it very clear that everything done in the house of god is to lead the faithful to prayer, the authentic service and worship of and communion with god the father. Jesus himself carries out the authentic service at the temple through his teaching of the word of god. Gospel tells that he taught the people every day so that they could have communion with his father. The temple of god is the place where god dwells and lives and where his presence is. The phrase temple of god refers to a physical space like a church a place of worship and as well as to a human person.A church or place worship has been consecrated and set apart especially for god. It is the place where we experience presence, listen and speak to him and celebrate his mysteries.It is a place of quietness, peace and meditation, where we seek god.Therefore it is our duty and responsibility to not make the temple of god a commercial hub or a market place. We are to protect the sanctity and sacredness of the temple of god so that all those come in would be able to pray and encounter god. In a similar manner every person is also a temple where god dwells. Therefore we are to keep ourselves holy and pure free from all sinful business;that we may truly be gods dwelling places and encounter and experience his presence in our lives. Lord God, teach me greater reverence for your temple.