3 Ways to Get Promoted to Senior Executive in a Recession

3 Ways to Get Promoted to Senior Executive in a Recession

Want to get promoted to senior executive levels? Even in the face of a recession and company cutbacks? It is possible! Apply for Dr. Grace's executive coaching program to successfully advance in your career: https://m.masteryinsights.com/work-wi... In an economic downturn, a company will be needing their A-players to hold the middle and bottom part of the pyramid together amidst the confusion and ambiguity. Your best bet at getting that senior executive position is to play the part before you even get the title. In her executive coaching class, Dr. Grace shares 3 crucial ways to get promoted to senior executive level in a recession. This involves discussing the core responsibilities of employees in that position and aligning your goals to your values and the stakeholders' values. Watch the video to get exclusive tips from the mentor herself! Bookmark this video to keep as motivation. -- As a communications and executive coach, Dr. Grace has been training people in all aspects of communication and career growth. Want to learn more from Dr. Grace? Follow these steps: 🖥️ LEARN FROM DR. GRACE LIVE AT THE MAKE MORE IMPACT SUMMIT 🖥️ https://www.masteryinsights.com/yt-su... 🗨️ JOIN DR. GRACE'S PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 🗨️ https://m.masteryinsights.com/applica... 🎞️ WATCH DR. GRACE'S VIDEO TRAINING FOR LEADERS AND EXECUTIVES 🎞️ https://executiveimpactcoefficient.co... 📗 DOWNLOAD DR. GRACE'S CAREER ADVANCEMENT EBOOK 📗 https://at.careergrowthcodex.com/down... 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇https://www.masteryinsights.com/subsc... 💯 FOLLOW DR. GRACE LEE 💯 LinkedIn: https://www.masteryinsights.com/linkedin Instagram: https://www.masteryinsights.com/insta... -- ★☆ CHECK OUT THESE RELATED VIDEOS ★☆ How to Go from Manager to Director - Land an Executive Level Position    • How to Go from Manager to Director - ...   How to Get Ahead at Work and Lead When You're Not In Charge    • How to Get Ahead at Work and Lead Whe...   5 Steps to Articulating The Problem Clearly (Key Problem Solving Skills)    • 5 Steps to Articulating the Problem C...   ------ This video is about 3 Ways to Get Promoted to Senior Executive in a Recession    • 3 Ways to Get Promoted to Senior Exec...      • 3 Ways to Get Promoted to Senior Exec...   #careeradvice #careercoaching #executivecoaching