ASTHMA Explained | Top 8 Tips to Prevent Asthma Attacks - Part-2

ASTHMA Explained | Top 8 Tips to Prevent Asthma Attacks - Part-2

In part two of explaining asthma, I will be sharing the severity classification of asthma, the treatment, and the top 8 tips to prevent asthma attacks. Visit our clinic website: and our facebook @vitacarefamily Visit our health and wellness website: and facebook @feelfitivated ----------------------------------- Welcome back to part two of the asthma series. My name is Dr. Chen Yiming I will continue to share more on the triggers of asthma attacks, and how we treat asthma based on the severity classification of asthma. And I will end off with the top 8 tips to prevent asthma attacks. Subscribe and click on that notification bell button to receive updates whenever we produce a new video. There are many triggers that can start an asthmatic attack. The triggers may be different for every individual. These may be substances, environmental conditions, even physical activities. Some of the common triggers include infections of the airway: viral or bacterial infections are amongst the top causes of asthma attacks allergens: pet furs, cigarette smoke, dust in the air, pests like cockroaches and dust mites pollens food and additives: peanuts, eggs, seafood, dairy products, wheat, and additives like MSG and food dyes. medications: NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ) such as aspirin, ibuprofen Cold weather aerosol like perfumes and cologne, fumigation chemicals, paints even exercise can trigger some asthma attacks So the key to a good asthma treatment plan is by grading or classifying the severity of the condition via a scoring system known as the Asthma control test ( ACT for short ) If your score is 20 or above - your asthma is well controlled If your score is 19 or less, that means that we can do more to improve your condition. These are simple questionnaires that you may even do at home! Broadly we classify asthma into intermittent asthma: symptoms occur less than twice a week & wake you up less than two nights a month mild persistent asthma: symptoms occurring two more days a week & waking you up 3-4 nights a month moderate persistent asthma: symptoms occurring daily and waking you up one or more nights a week severe persistent asthma: symptoms occur daily, and wake you up every night due We, as physicians will then be able to titrate the medications to better control and manage your asthma based on the severity classification. In principle, the more severe your asthma, the higher the dose of medications to try to control your symptoms. What are the types of medications that we can use to treat asthma? They are mainly inhalers that work directly on the respiratory system. The first type which everyone is very familiar with is the relievers. Ventolin inhalers, salbutamol inhalers. Typically blue or dark blue in color. They help to reverse the tightening of the airway during an asthma attack. These inhalers should be used only when required and not on a daily basis. I , in fact, there are studies that suggest that prolonged indiscriminate usage of relievers may actually worsen your asthma. preventers: preventers are inhalers that actually stabilize the airway and reduces inflammation and hyperactivity. Examples are steroid inhalers and long-acting airway muscle relaxers. These canisters are usually not blue in color - they may be purple, brown, white, and red. These are medications that we use on a daily basis over a long period of time to reduce the number of asthma attacks and also to reduce or minimize the need for you to use the blue Ventolin inhalers. These inhalers are the main weapon we use to better control your symptoms oral steroid: in sudden asthmatic attacks, physicians may also use oral steroids to suppress the inflammatory state in the airway to reduce the severity of the attacks. Now I will end off this topic by telling you the top 8 tips to prevent asthma attacks! 1) Take your preventer inhalers regularly as instructed by your doctor 2) see a doctor when you are starting to have flu symptoms 3) Keep your environment clean and dust-free 4) Sun your mattress and pillow and blanket regularly to prevent mites from growing 5) avoid fragrances 6) avoid smoking or second-hand cigarette smoke 7) identify your asthma triggers and avoid them 8) go for your annual flu vaccination There you go. I hope this two-part series on asthma was helpful for you in knowing more about it. The key to successful medical treatment of asthma begins with education. Please subscribe and click on the notification button if you are new to my channel Till the next time, stay safe, stay healthy. #asthma #asthmatreatment #asthmaclassification #SgDrWellness #Vitacarefamily #Fitivate #CSKaesthetics #DrChenYiming #Singaporedoctor #Youtube #Singaporeclinic #Familymedicine #Healthiswealth #preventionisbetterthancure #Singaporeproduction #Singapore