SUNDAY SERVICE 12/22/2024 PR: JOSEPH EKUSAI THEME: CHRISTMAS GOD’S GIFT UNTO US Christmas is the time we all celebrate the coming of Christ THREE MAJOR QUESTIONS ABOUT CHRISTMAS. 01. What was Christmas to you while you’re growing up? Gathering as the family. Christmas was all about sharing. Keeping the best thing for Christmas. Christmas was about giving Christmas cards. Christmas was about eating food even what you cannot finish. 02. What is the world view of Christmas today? People consider the expenditure before celebrating Christmas. Christmas is spent individually People no longer consider Christmas as the day Christ was born they take it as a normal day. Christmas these days is centered. People say that Christmas is just a single day. On need to put more effort on it. There was a lot of excitement when it came to celebrate Christmas. People no longer think there is no need to spend Christmas with family. People take Christmas for making money Christmas was a time people go to church. 03. What actually did God intend for us in Christmas? JOHN 3:16 Christmas is the day God experienced his love to the world by giving his son. ROMANS 5:8 Christmas was meant for Christ to redeem us. ISAIAH 9:6 All that Christ was we became it COLOSSIANS 1:14 THINGS YOU MUST DO WHEN IT COMES TO CHRISTMAS 01. Honoring God 02. We must bless our parents. 03. Serve your community. LUKE 2:8-18 Don’t be afraid just enjoy what you have. CHRISTMAS GOODNEWS GREAT JOY FOR ALL MATTHEW 2:2 How many people have seen your star and they are here to worship the lord. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL AND HAPPY NEW YEAR