Easy Birch Trees - Watercolour for beginners #birch #watercolor #art #easywatercolortutorial

Easy Birch Trees - Watercolour for beginners #birch #watercolor #art #easywatercolortutorial

Join me for this fun filled Birch Forest painting demo! I have used a mixture of Ultramarine blue, greens, some neutral tint and Burnt Sienna. Do try this easy technique to create convincing forest of Birch Trees. Happy Painting! 😊 ‪@jeffgoodwinart4198‬ ‪@americanwatercolorsociety5490‬ ‪@art‬ ‪@DeviantArt‬ ‪@indianartistsclub‬ ‪@Indianart‬ ‪@indianartistt‬