Hello intro, Liquid Stroke Animation in After Effects Tutorial - Easy Method - 100% Free Plugin
Hey Everyone, Assalamu Alaikum. Liquid animation is a new big thing and everyone loves it. This week we are making another Liquid Shape line animation, and using it to create a text from the Apple Hello Animation. Unfortunately, this cannot be made using the inbuilt plugin of After Effects, you need to Thicc Stroke plugin, which is absolutely free. This plugin makes amazing stroke designs and animation. Content: 0:00 Intro 0:08 Just Say hello 0:20 Hello Text layer Start 2:20 Thicc Stroke Add System 3:44 Animation Start Hello 5:48 Boom White Effect Start 8:45 My Extra work Describe First of all, we add Thicc Stroke to our solid and the basic mask path. Then we adjust the settings of the plug-in, before we animate the basic path. To avoid a linear movement, we set keyframes at positions, where the movement would naturally slow down. Then we adjust the speed, using the graph editor. Then we animate the shape of the path, as the line moves along. After that we add a second layer, with a drop - which reveals the path. Finally, we add more details to our lettering animation to make it look really unique. #aftereffectstutorial #animation #motiondesign