3/19/23 St Mark Lutheran Church. Tallmadge, Ohio. Sunday Service

3/19/23 St Mark Lutheran Church. Tallmadge, Ohio. Sunday Service

The 4th Sunday in Lent Pastor : Deborah Wisner Ministries Coordinator: John Catlos Organist / Choir Director :Alex Hoyt This week at St. Mark 3/19 9:30 am Service of Holy Communion 3/22 9:30am Piece Corps 6:00 pm Lenten midweek soup supper and Israel presentation 7:00 pm Choir rehearsal 3/25 12:00 - 2:00 pm Easter Event for the Community Holy Week at St. Mark: 4/2 Palm / Passion Sunday 9:30 am Worship / Holy Communion 4/6 Maundy Thursday 12:00 pm Worship / Holy Communion 7:00 pm Worship / Holy Communion 8:00 pm Tetelestia Performance at St. Luke's. 4/7 Good Friday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm Prayer Vigil 12:00 pm Good Friday Service 8:00 pm Tetelestia Performance at St. Luke's. 4/9 The Resurrection of our Lord 9:30 am Festival Worship Holy Communion Happy Birthdays: 3/20 Levi Ivery # 4 Happy Anniversaries: