Avatar : The Last Airbender – The Burning Earth Gameplay | Full Game Walkthrough - No Commentary

Avatar : The Last Airbender – The Burning Earth Gameplay | Full Game Walkthrough - No Commentary

Avatar : The Last Airbender – The Burning Earth Gameplay | Full Game Walkthrough - No Commentary ▶ DESCRIPTION ◀ The Burning Earth is based on the second season, Book 2: Earth, of the television series. The game begins with Team Avatar arriving at an Earth Kingdom base where they confront General Fong, who seeks to trigger Aang's Avatar State to overthrow the Fire Nation. After defeating Fong's forces, Aang enters the Avatar State to stop him. The team then heads to the Earth Kingdom city of Omashu, where they face a Fire Nation flag and discover the city renamed New Ozai. They rescue Appa and head to Earth Rumble VI, where Aang competes and identifies Toph as his future earthbending teacher. They later explore a swamp and receive visions, encounter the Blind Bandit at Earth Rumble VI, and convince her, Toph, to teach Aang earthbending. The gang investigates a library for Fire Nation plans, confronts the Dai Li, and frees Appa from Lake Laogai. They warn the Earth King of an upcoming drill attack and ultimately sabotage it with a battle against Azula and Zuko. The game concludes with Azula plotting her revenge. ▶ My Instagram -   / muzzugaming01   ▶ My Discord -   / discord   ▶ I Play All Type Of Game's & Upload Them Here. ▶ DON'T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE.