Dream of Stealing Money from Church Account - Find out the Biblical Meaning
#churchtithes #churchdream #stealinginchurch Dream of stealing money from a church account , this is a sign of loss, sin, temptation and curse. If as a church worker, you are stealing in church, it means you will encounter financial problems and difficulties in life. For example, if you see someone you know stealing from a church tithes, offerings, this means that the person's life will be exposed to long term problems that may drain him very soon. The person may find difficulties in operating a life of prosperity and enlargement. In some cases, the dream is also warning you to pay close monitoring to that person. The devil may want to tempt him to steal from the church account like tithes, offering in order to solve his personal needs. That's wrong! Or the dream could indicate financial insecurity. Be alert and vigilant. 💧Dream of someone stealing from you:    • DREAM OF BEING TESTED TO HIV - Evange...  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to my channel and get enlightened. If you would like to support us in the work that we are doing. You can support and partner with the ministry here: 💧https://flutterwave.com/donate/ih1dln... 💧Check my website: https://evangelistjoshua.com 💧and https://bibleandprayers.com