![[StarCraft 2] Weekly Mutation #264: Power Trip (Nova & Swann)](https://krtube.net/image/PArT_T-335Y.webp)
[StarCraft 2] Weekly Mutation #264: Power Trip (Nova & Swann)
Commanders: Nova (P0) and Swann (P0) Map: The Vermillion Problem Mutators: Going Nuclear, Mutually Assured Destruction, Self Destruction Masteries: ============================================================ Nova Masteries: Power Set 1: Nuke and Holo Decoy Cooldown - 0/30 Griffin Airstrike cost - 30/30 Power Set 2: Nova Primary Ability Improvement - 15/30 Combat Unit Attack Speed - 15/30 Power Set 3: Nova Energy Regeneration - 0/30 Unit Life Regeneration - 30/30 ============================================================ Swann Masteries: Power Set 1: Concentrated Beam Width and Damage - 0/0 Combat Drop Duration and Life - 30/30 Power Set 2: Immortality Protocol Cost and Build Time - 30/30 Structure Health - 0/0 Power Set 3: Vespene Drone Cost - 30/30 Laser Drill Build Time, Upgrade Time, and Upgrade Cost - 0/0 ============================================================ Hello everyone and welcome back to weekly mutations #264 this weeks mutation is called "Power Trip" on the map "The Vermillion Problem" with 3 mutators active which are Long Range, Photon Overload, and Power Overwhelming. Playing with me this week is Swann while I play as Nova. Hope you Guys enjoy the video and I hope this helps in your StarCraft 2 coop journey. Subscribe and like if you enjoyed the video leave a comment for what commander combination worked for you. I Can't wait to see you guys in the next weekly mutation! #starcraft2 #coop #starcraft2mutations #mutation "Starcraft weekly mutation" "Starcraft 2 weekly mutation 262" "Wheel Of Misfortune" "Explosive Results" starcraft 2 coop campaign, starcraft 2 coop mengsk, starcraft 2 coop stukov, starcraft 2 nova coop, starcraft 2 coop abathur, starcraft 2 coop raynor, lowko starcraft 2 coop, starcraft 2 co op brutal 6, starcraft 2 coop best commanders, starcraft 2 coop brutal, starcraft 2 coop best prestige, starcraft 2 coop tychus brutal, starcraft 2 co op commanders, carbot starcraft 2 coop, starcraft 2 co op commanders dehaka, starcraft 2 coop ctg, starcraft 2 campaign and coop units mod, starcraft 2 new co op commander, co op starcraft 2, starcraft 2 coop dehaka, starcraft 2 coop dehaka guide, starcraft 2 coop hardest difficulty, starcraft 2 coop deutsch, starcraft 2 mengsk coop deutsch, starcraft 2 tychus coop deutsch, starcraft 2 zeratul coop deutsch, starcraft 2 co op explained, starcraft 2 mengsk coop español, starcraft 2 coop español, starcraft 2 co op fenix, starcraft 2 coop april fools, starcraft 2 co op fenix guide, starcraft 2 coop fr, starcraft 2 coop mengsk fr, starcraft 2 coop guide, starcraft 2 mengsk coop guide, starcraft 2 coop karax guide, starcraft 2 coop tychus guide, starcraft 2 coop nova guide, starcraft 2 coop alarak guide, starcraft 2 coop raynor guide, starcraft 2 coop mira han, starcraft 2 coop survival heroes, starcraft 2 hots coop, jayborinoplays starcraft 2 coop, starcraft 2 coop jim raynor, jayborino starcraft 2 coop, starcraft 2 coop karax, starcraft 2 coop kerrigan, starcraft 2 coop kerrigan prestige, starcraft 2 co op kerrigan guide, starcraft 2 coop commander kerrigan, starcraft 2 coop kerrigan strategy, starcraft 2 co op tier list, starcraft 2 lotv coop, starcraft 2 coop missions, starcraft 2 coop mutation, starcraft 2 arcturus mengsk coop, starcraft 2 coop mengsk prestige, starcraft 2 coop nova prestige, starcraft 2 nexus coop, starcraft 2 co op prestige, starcraft 2 coop commander preview, starcraft 2 co op prestige raynor, starcraft 2 coop stukov prestige, starcraft 2 coop zeratul prestige, starcraft 2 mengsk coop quotes, starcraft 2 coop review, starcraft 2 coop stetmann, starcraft 2 coop swann, starcraft 2 coop stukov guide, starcraft 2 coop stetmann guide, starcraft 2 coop swann guide, starcraft 2 coop speedrun, starcraft 2 coop tychus, starcraft 2 coop trailer, starcraft 2 coop tips, starcraft 2 coop growing threat, starcraft 2 coop vorazun, starcraft 2 coop vorazun guide, starcraft 2 co op commanders vs, starcraft 2 wol coop, starcraft 2 coop zeratul, starcraft 2 zagara coop, starcraft 2 zeratul coop guide, starcraft 2 coop zagara guide, zhigulevsk & co starcraft 2 coop, starcraft 2 hots coop zhigulevsk & co, starcraft 2 stetmann coop, starcraft 2 lowko coop, starcraft 2 best co op commander 2020, "starcraft 2 coop 3 player," "starcraft 2 3 player co op"