Empowered to Witness – 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship (August 15, 2021)

Empowered to Witness – 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship (August 15, 2021)

This week's preacher is Dr. Davis Chappell. We continue our new sermon series on the Book of Acts, called "Empowered." Download our order of worship, register your attendance, and find Sunday School lessons for children and youth at bumc.net/live. The chancel flowers are presented to the glory of God in honor of Joe Pennel in recognition of the ministry he has shared through the years given by his wife, Janene, and family. ORDER OF WORSHIP ................................... Chiming of the Hour Voluntary A Word of Welcome Call to Worship Dr. Jim Hughes Leader: We come in reverent awe before the Lord our God-- for great is the Lord! People: We join with all creation in singing new songs to the Lord, our God. Leader: We come in worship and praise--for God alone is worthy of our praise! People: We are witnesses of God's saving deeds. Leader: We come with songs and prayers--to give glory to the Lord! People: Let us bring our offerings of worship and praise to God. Amen. Processional Hymn 152 "I Sing the Almighty Power of God" Affirmation of Faith Dr. Jim Hughes We believe in God, the creator, who moved upon the face of the deep at the beginning of creation, who created all that is, and who spoke through the prophets of old. We trust in Jesus Christ into who God's spirit was poured in fullness and in power, that the whole creation might be restored and unified; and who promised that the Spirit would come and fill the faithful with power to witness to the mighty love of God. We await on that Spirit today with longing hearts, seeking too be empowered to the witness to God's love, with fresh words and courageous actions of love and hope. Glory be to God! Amen. Gloria Patri 70 "Glory Be to the Father" Pastoral Prayer and Lord's Prayer Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-13 (NRSV) Jackie Postell Sermon Offering Offertory "Ye Servants of God" Chancel Choir; Mark Edwards, director Invitation to Christian Discipleship Closing Hymn "In Christ Called to Baptize" Benediction Choral Benediction "How Great Thou Art" Chancel Choir; Mark Edwards, director