Gender Prediction test at home with Salt  and Baking Soda  by old wives| why not use Baking powder |

Gender Prediction test at home with Salt and Baking Soda by old wives| why not use Baking powder |

Gender Prediction test at home with Salt and Baking Soda by old wives| why not use Baking powder | Hello All beautiful Mums these pregnancy videos are on my personal experiences only , the tests i did, m not a doctor but mother of two kids boy and a girl on that basis only m Sharing my experience, i can’t judge anyone that u will definitely have baby girl or boy, Doctors and Medical advices are always manadatory coz everyones body n symptoms are different, but May God bless u All and give u beautiful n healthy baby This video is only based on my personal experience during baby boy and all pictures are from my own pregnancy and things later on I believed were right for baby boy gender, every person body is different its not necessary that my body symptoms will be same like others🙂 My youtube channel videos:    • My pregnancy journey story Part 1 | n...      • My pregnancy journey n Complications ...      • My ectopic pregnancy story: How It na...      • My Normal Delivery Experience Painful...      • Video      • My Real Baby Boy Symptoms in Pregnanc...   #genderpredictions #anomaly #ultrasound #babyboysign #babymovement #movement #baby #pregnancytips #pregnancyjourney #babybump #babyboysign #ultrasound #babyboysymptom #lifestyle #mommylife #mommyfitness #pregnancysymptoms #pregnancycare #myths #breastmilk #earlypregnancysymptoms #lifestyle #trending #viralvideo #pregnancytips #genderpredictions #anomaly #altrasound #babygirl #babycaretips #sonography #Altrasound #babygirl #babyboy #babyinwomb #babyboysymptom #goodnews #babyboysymptomsduringpregnancy #babyboysign #babygirlsymptoms #babygirlsymptomsduringpregnancy #placentia #anterior #pregnancyjourney #pregnancycare #Altrasoundreport #babygender #anomalyscan #sonography #genderpredictions #genderpredictions #anomaly #babyboysign #anomaly #genderpredictions #baby #genderpredictions #Baking soda test for gender prediction #salt test for gender prediction #BabyBoySymptomsDuringPregnancy #pregnancy symptoms Baby boy Pregnancy Altrasound Scan in hindi, Baby boy Altrasound Report in Hindi, Altrasound me kaha likha hota hai ki garbh me ladka hai ya ladki in Hindi, Baby boy Symptoms during Pregnancy, Symptoms of Baby boy in Womb, Sonography Report of Baby boy, Pregnancy में लड़का होने के संकेत, गर्भ में लड़का है या लड़की कैसे पता करें, baby gender prediction kit, left side baby movements gender, baby ke time urine colour kya predict karta baby girl ya boy ko, skin colour during baby girl or boy Please keep supporting my channel, thx for subscribe, like and share