Prophecy Unfolding America and the Hand of God "Motivational Speech" || Jonathan Cahn ||
Description History is not random—it follows a pattern. Nations that align with divine principles rise, while those that turn away face inevitable decline. Is America following the same prophetic cycle that led to the downfall of past civilizations? Are we at the tipping point where judgment or revival hangs in the balance? In this powerful exploration, we uncover the Patterns of Divine Intervention that have shaped nations throughout history and reveal the tipping points that determine their fate. From ancient Israel to Rome, from Babylon to modern times, the signs are clear. The question is: Where does America stand today? Join us as we examine the undeniable evidence, the warnings from history, and the choices that will shape the future. Because prophecy is not just about foretelling what’s to come—it’s about revealing the decisions we must make right now. 🔔 Subscribe and turn on notifications to stay informed and never miss an important message! 📢 Why Watch? ✅ Understand the prophetic cycles shaping history and America’s future ✅ Discover the warning signs that civilizations ignored before their collapse ✅ Learn how divine intervention influences nations and societies ✅ Gain insights into where we stand in the timeline of prophecy ⚠ Disclaimer: This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is based on historical analysis, biblical prophecy, and research. It does not intend to predict the future but to offer insight into recurring patterns in history. Viewer discretion is advised. #prophecy #americasfuture #biblicalprophecy #historyrepeats #divineintervention #spiritualawakening #nationatacrossroads #propheticwarning #thetippingpoint #signsofthetimes #faithandhistory #americaandgod #watchandpray #endtimes #harbinger #calltoreturn #truthrevealed #historymatters,