Ephesians 6:10-14 Standing firm with Truth and Righteousness

Ephesians 6:10-14 Standing firm with Truth and Righteousness

Hi Friends, Last week we learned that we have been redeemed from our old way of thinking, and we are no longer bound by the strongholds of our past. We are to put off our old sinful nature, which gives Satan a foothold, and to put on our new self, becoming like God in true righteousness and holiness. This week we will see what we battle against, and we will learn how to stand firm, putting on truth and righteousness. Let's take a look. Questions for Ephesians 6:10-14 1. Our lesson begins with Paul telling us to be strong. Where do we find our strength and is this strength limited? Vs 10 and Eph 1:19 2. Armor is used as a protection, and we have to actively put it on to be covered. Why do we need to put on the armor of God and what is it protecting us from? Vs 11-12 3. What insight does 1 John 4:1-6 give us, and how do we recognize the Spirit of God versus the spirit of the Antichrist? Also see 2 Cor 11:13-15 4. When you have a conflict or confrontation with someone, how would it help you to know that spiritual powers are actually behind the problem? Would you pray differently, or respond differently? 2 Cor 10:3-5 5. We are to put on the full armor of God so we can stand when the evil day comes. Then we are told to stand. How is standing, and not losing ground, a victory and why do you think standing is repeated so many times in this verse? Vs 13 6. What other examples in the Bible do you know where people stood and saw the salvation of the Lord? Who actually fights our battles for us? Ps 37:39-40 7. The first piece of armor that we are to put on is the belt of truth around our waist. Let’s look at John 8:31-32 & John 14:6. What is truth, and how do you think we put on this belt? Vs 14 8. How has truth been compromised in our culture today, and how can we make sure what we are believing is true? 9. The second piece of armor is righteousness. What type of righteousness is being talked about here, and why do you think this piece of armor is covering our breast? Also see Phil 3:8-9 & Rom 9:30-33 10. How do we know if we are covered in Christ's righteousness, or in our own righteousness? 11. From today’s lesson, how could you implement something you have learned? Even though there are evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realms, with Christ in us, we have the victory. We are to stand firm in Christ, allowing him to fight our battles for us, as we put on his armor. May we stand firm in the truth of Jesus, wearing the breastplate of his righteousness. https://docs.google.com/file/d/1FgVog...