The Best Terrain Generation in Minecraft
Lithosphere is a mod/datapack that makes Minecraft's terrain more realistic, with large continents and cinematic mountain ranges. Nature's Spirit is a mod that adds new biomes based off of real-life biomes from around the world. Together, these two mods create (in my opinion) some of the best, most realistic looking landscapes in Minecraft. I used Distant Horizons and Iris shader mods to fully showcase the beauty that these two mods can produce. Mods: Lithosphere: https://modrinth.com/datapack/lithosp... Nature's Spirit: https://modrinth.com/mod/natures-spirit Distant Horizons: https://modrinth.com/mod/distanthorizons Iris Shaders: https://modrinth.com/mod/iris Falling Leaves: https://modrinth.com/mod/fallingleaves Ambient Sounds: https://modrinth.com/mod/ambientsounds Shader: Bliss Shader: https://github.com/X0nk/Bliss-Shader World seed: 2140043727 Terrablender config: size of overworld biome regions from each mod that uses TerraBlender: range: 3-8 overworld region size = 5 Nature's Spirit config: region weights: terra_ferax_frequency: 5, terra_solaris_frequency: 4, terra_flava_frequency: 4, terra_laeta_frequency: 6, terra_mater_frequency: 4 Lithosphere version: 1.2 Game Version: Java 1.20.1 Music: Ocean Run - Blake Ewing PC Specs: GPU: RTX 2070 Super CPU: Ryzen 9 3900X RAM: 64 GB