Unlock the Secrets of Veterinary Andrology & AI for Your Pre-PG, IAS, JRF, NET & RPSC Exam Success!

Unlock the Secrets of Veterinary Andrology & AI for Your Pre-PG, IAS, JRF, NET & RPSC Exam Success!

Looking to unlock the secrets of veterinary andrology and AI for your pre-PG, IAS, AIEEA, JRF, ICAR NET, and RPSC exam success? In this video, we're going to show you how to use veterinary andrology and AI to improve your chances of success on exams. We'll discuss the benefits of using these techniques and give you a step-by-step guide on how to use them to your advantage. So if you're looking to raise your chances of success on your exams, then this is the video for you! By the end of this video, you'll know exactly what to do to achieve success in your studies! For more details visit our GNP Sir Classes App .Download our App Now: https://ztkby.courses.store/346240?ut... #icar net, #jrf, #ars, #ph d entrance, #MCQs Veterinary Andrology #MCQs Artificial Insemination Login to my YouTube channel at:   / @gnpsir   Linked In:linkedin.com/in/dr-govind-narayan-purohit-13a04a17 Contact email: [email protected] More videos: Hormones of reproduction in domestic animals    • Unveiling the Mystery of Animal Repro...   3. Estrus cycle    • Uncovering the Mystery of Animal Repr...   4. Estrus detection in cows    • Discover How Cows Reveal Their Fertil...   5. Follicular dynamics in farm animals    • Uncovering Amazing Insights into Farm...   6. Estrus synchronization    • Unlocking the Secrets of Animal Breed...   7. Bovine infertility    • A Vet Gynecologist Uncovers the Aston...   8. Anestrus in domestic animals    • Uncovering the Shocking Causes of Ane...   9. Ovarian cysts    • Uncovering the Secrets of Animal Ovar...   10. Repeat breeding    • Breeding Troubles? Here's How the Exp...   11. Non-specific genital infections causing infertility in cattle    • Unveiling the Mysteries of Bovine and...   12. Infectious bovine infertility    • Uncovering the STUNNING Truth Behind ...   13. Pregnancy diagnosis in farm and pet animals    • Unlocking the Mystery Behind Accurate...   14. Equine infertility    • Uncovering the Mystery Behind Equine ...   15. Infertility in sheep and goats    • Baby Boom: Uncovering the Secret Behi...   Links for Veterinary Obstetrics 1. Fertilization, maternal recognition of pregnancy and implantation    • Unveiling the Mystery of Life: Fertil...   2. Types of placenta and functions in domestic animals    • Placenta types and functions in domes...   3. Diseases and accidents of gestation    • Diseases and accidents of gestation I...   4. Congenital fetal defects    • Congenital Fetal defects I Veterinary...   5. Parturition in domestic animals    • Parturition in domestic animals I Vet...   6. Peurperium in domestic animals    • Puerperium in domestic animals   7. Causes of dystocia in farm animals    • Causes of dystocia in farm animals I ...   8. Procedure of uterine torsion correction    • Watch This Surgeon's Incredible Uteri...   9. Uterine torsion in domestic animals    • Uterine torsion in domestic animals I...   10. Obstetrical operations in domestic animals    • Stunning Results From the Latest Obst...   Links for other videos of interest 1 Technique of AI in cattle    • Technique of Artificial Insemination ...   2 Distinctive features of Camel Reproduction    • Distinctive features of camel reprodu...   3 Peculiarities of Equine Reproduction    • Peculiarities of Equine Reproduction   4 Reproductive approaches under field conditions of Rajasthan    • Reproductive approaches under field c...   5 Methods of estrus detection in dairy cows    • Uncover the Astonishing Secret to Spo...   In the video tutorials at this channel Govind Narayan Purohit explain the various topics listed above. Prof Govind Narayan Purohit (GNP sir) has more than 35 years of teaching research and extension in animal reproduction has more than 225 research publications and is the former Dean Post Graduate Studies, and University Head (Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics) Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India. He is the Editor of Bubaline Theriogenology at the International Veterinary Information Service, New York, and Domestic Animal Obstetrics published by Lambert Academic Publishers Germany. This series of lecture videos covers nearly all aspects of reproduction useful for veterinary students, practitioners, and all those interested in animal reproduction Topics of this video are Follicle wave theory livestock breeding Jersey cow theriogenology animal reproduction superovulation embryo recovery FSH embryo transfer Progesterone eCG Folltropin-V tutorial video lecture eCG Flushing evaluation of embryos androgens leutinizing hormones chorionic gonadotropin veterinary science for IAS, UPSC, RAS. animal reproduction, veterinarian, female reproductive hormones Veterinary Gynecology, veterinary gynecology, veterinary obstetrics, reproduction in animals, animal reproductive system, domestic animals, veterinary medicine veterinary lectures veterinary gynecology pdf books veterinary gynaecology pdf veterinary gynecology notes veterinary gynaecology notes Tanuvas veterinary gynecology and obstetrics ppt veterinary gynecology and obstetrics by Roberts pdf download "veterinary gynecology ppt" progesterone tablets estrogen and progesterone bts war of hormone MCQs Female reproductive anatomy Cattle, buffalo, mare, Dog, Goats, Pigs IAS, IFS,JRF, AIEEA. ICAR NET, CSIR NET, JRF, Pre PG, Pre-Ph.D ARS, IFS.