WHAT WE EAT IN A DAY large family of 6! Quick and easy meals

WHAT WE EAT IN A DAY large family of 6! Quick and easy meals

Welcome to my kitchen! Today I'm sharing some more from scratch cooking with you! These are all healthy(er) and easy options that I hope inspire you or give you some ideas of what to cook in your kitchen this week! Enjoy! With love, Steph 🖤 instagram.com/this.golden.hour 🖤 Email: [email protected] DM or Email to collab! LINKS: My Dress: https://ivycityco.com/collections/mid... My Favorite Cookware: Miracle Working Lash Serum (use code “Golden20” for 20% off): https://helloskincare.com/?rfsn=67780... Recipes: Flour Tortillas: 7 cups flour 1 cup lard 2 1/2 cups warm water 5 tsp baking powder 1 1/2 tsp salt Mix ingredients and form into balls. Cover and let rise 30 mins. (Heat tortilla press during the last 15 mins). Press each ball and then cook on cast iron skillet. Music: Epidemic Sound *Disclaimer: This video is NOT sponsored. I use affiliate links. As a customer, you do not pay any more or less because of an affiliated link. A small percentage of the sale will go to the person who generated the link. Thank you for your support of my channel!