comparative and common size statement class 12 one shot revision | Analysis of financial statements

comparative and common size statement class 12 one shot revision | Analysis of financial statements

In this video, I discussed about the comparative and common size statements class 12 one shot revision in Analysis of financial statements. I covered about: 1. Comparative balance sheet format with Question 2 ts grewal solution 2. Comparative statement of profit and loss format with question 9 ts grewal solution 3. Common size balance sheet format with question 27 ts grewal solution 4. Common size statement of profit and loss with question 20 ts grewal solution This chapter is very important if you watch this till the end, you will guaranteed 4 marks comparative and common size statement class 12 one shot comparative and common size statement class 12 revision class 12 accounts chapter comparative and common size statement one shot comparative and common size statement class 12th one shot